The beautiful collection of sweetest Father Daughter Quotes for you. share these heart touching quotes with your dearest father or sweetest daughters to bring the smile on their faces. The bond between a father and a daughter is something special. sometimes fathers are the best friends for the daughters to talk their problems with and sometimes a beautiful smile on his sweet daughter will let father forget all the worries and stress in life. The fathers is very caring & show affection to their beloved daughter. Therefore, daddy is often considered as daughter’s first love.

It is also the reason why fathers are very influential in their dearest daughter’s lives, especially when it comes to self-esteem and decision making. Let your dearest daughter or father know how much you cherish this special bond between them with our cute and short father daughter quotes.
In this post, we have share the best father daughter quotes with pictures, check them out!
Sweetest Father Daughter Quotes with Images

When my father didn’t have my hand…he had my back.—Linda Po
I love my daddy. My daddy’s everything. I hope I can find a man that will treat me as good as my dad.—Lady Gaga
The happiest moment of my life was probably when my daughter was born.—David Duchovny
A girl’s first true love is her father.—Marisol Santiago
Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.—Anonymous
When I come home, my daughter will run to the door and give me a big hug, and everything that’s happened that day just melts away.—Hugh Jackman
To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.—Euripides
Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million-dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.—Jim Bishop
It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping.—John Sinor
I think my mom put it best. She said, ‘Little girls soften their daddy’s hearts.’—Paul Walker
I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.—Hedy Lamarr
My Daddy was my hero. He was always there for me when I needed him. He listened to me and taught me so many things. But most of all he was fun.—Bindi Irwin
No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.—Michael Ratnadeepak
The reason why daughters love their Dad the most is…that there is at least one man in the world who will never hurt her.—Anonymous
I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king.—Anonymous
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.—Gloria Naylor
Father Daughter Quotes
The Happiness in our father-daughter relationship is a special type of wealth. The more we use it, the more it grows. I love you.
Fathers, be your daughter’s 1st love and she’ll never settle for anything less.
A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she sill judge all men.
Our dearest daughter, you are the wheel that keeps our lives spinning and you are the reason why we are always smiling. We love you.
On the day my daughter was born I realized that the sparkle in her eyes was my guiding light and her smile, my life’s purpose. I love you.
There is this girl who stole my heart and she calls me Daddy.
My life is a fairy tale because it revolves around a princess – my beautiful daughter. I love you.
Daughter, be of good comfort; your faith has made you whole.
My life feels incomplete, my emotions deplete and my heart skips a beat, when I don’t hug my daughter who is so sweet. I love you.
All my life’s problems have just one simple solution – a hug from my daughter.
I try to be the best Father everyday because I have to catch up with a daughter who is the best of the best… I love you baby
You motivate me to be an awesome dad, with you around I am never sad. You are one of the reasons I want to be successful, and why my life is so beautiful. I love you.
My dearest daughter, just watching you smile makes me realize how beautiful my life is. I love you.
Aspirin is not the cure for all my headaches, but warm hugs from a loving daughter like you are. I love you.
In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes. Shine on, my child. I love you.
It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.
Some people don’t believe in heroes but they haven’t met my dad!
You motivate me to become the world’s most amazing dad, because I want nothing but the best for my beautiful daughter. I love you.
As a daughter of the king of kings, your purpose is not to turn heads but to turn hearts toward our Heavenly Father
You may have grown up from being a cute little girl to a beautiful young woman, but you will forever be the loving daughter that you’ve always been.
Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.
A daughter may outgrow your lap but she’ll never outgrow your heart.
Dear Daddy, no matter where I go in life, you’ll always be my number one man
With God, you will always be daddy’s little girl.
Heart Touching Father Daughter Quotes
It is impossible to please all the world and one’s father. – Jean de La Fontaine
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.” – Gloria Naylor
Be kind to thy father, for when thou were young, who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, and joined in thy innocent glee. – Margaret Courtney
Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development. – David Gottesman
Any fool can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a daddy. – Philip Whitmore Snr.
All fathers are invisible in daytime; daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night. Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power. There is more to fathers than meets the eye.” – Margaret Atwood )
Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million-dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla. – Jim Bishop
A father is a banker provided by nature. – French Proverb
A daughter is a treasure – and a cause of sleeplessness. – Ben Sirach
Many a man wishes he were strong enough to tear a telephone book in half―especially if he has a teenage daughter. – Guy Lombardo
I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much. – Hedy Lamarr
A son is a son till he gets a wife; a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life. – Irish Saying
It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn’t. – Barbara Kingsolver
We have collected here some short, funny and cute father daughter quotes for you. we know you have enjoyed reading through our heart touching father daughter quotes. have a great moment sharing these beautiful quotes with your father or daughter.