Funny love quotes and images are the most beautiful collection of funniest love quotes for you. enjoy reading our funny love quotes and share it with your partner to make her laugh loud.

We have here try to collect the most beautiful funny love quotes and images that we could possibly get hands on. so enjoy reading them and sharing them. have a beautiful funny day for you.
Best Funny Love Quotes and Images
Dear Girls, if a boy pauses a video game just to text you back…Marry him.
I love you no matter what you do, but do you have to do so much of it? — Jean Illsley Clarke
Don’t say we can live on love. That’s how I missed breakfast.
Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings and lawyers. — Richard Pryor
There is nothing better for the spirit or the body than a love affair. It elevates the thoughts and flattens the stomach. – Barbara Hower

Falling in love is the best drug there is. But they never tell you about the side effects. – Greg Tamblyn
Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.
Love is like an egg, it breaks easily and stinks if it gets to old. – Quacki Poona

Love is being stupid together. – Paul Valery
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover’s arms can only come later when you’re sure they won’t laugh if you trip.

Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.
I wasn’t kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth!

We hope you guys have found the most beautiful funny love quotes and images for you. enjoy reading them and sharing them with your loved once.
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