On this years Valentines day, we have a special treat for your beloved boyfriends and husbands. we have collected here some beautiful valentines day wishes for your boyfriend. our “ Valentines Day Love Quotes for Him ”, which are sure to make, him realize just how much you love him and ensure that he loves you even more after you express your love with our quotes.

Love quotes are a great way to express your love for him and for her. write these beautiful love quotes on Valentine’s Day gifts, card, or even in a text message. Be creative with it.
Valentines Day Love Quotes for Him
Baby, every time I look at you it’s like the first time, I get butterflies, feel like I’m on cloud and know it’s true love! I love you with all my heart and all my mind.
Has been down this road before and it was painful, so why I am I taking this road again?
A nonsense conversation makes sense when you’re talking with someone special 🙂
“I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the water washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.”
Just caught myself thinking how great it’d be if you were mine for the rest of your life. Happy Valentine’s Day.
My Heart and my Head are at WAR and I’m stuck in the middle and don’t know which side I’m on.
Drop everything now, Meet me in the pouring rain, Kiss me on the sidewalk. Take away the pain, cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile.
A great believer in fate and destiny… it was fate that i met you and destiny to be with you.
Some people say they want a Prince Charming, But I on the other hand, Say I don’t. That’s because I have a guy a billion times better than that. Love you more on Valentine’s Day.
By holding onto the past, you’re damaging your future. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Every day that goes by it seems like i discover something new about you to love, its incredible to me how one person can make such a difference in my life..
Everyone makes mistakes and then you learn from them. If you ever happen to make the same mistake twice, the second time it isn’t a mistake.. It’s a c h o i c e.
Yes we are together, Yes we are happy, Any more questions? Well, no questions further. Wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.
I have the best boyfriend in the world. Wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.
You make me feel beautiful, you still give me butterflies, just the thought of you brightens my day, you love me for me, you make me so happy. I love you.
You are really driving me crazy… Happy Valentine’s Day.
To think that you still love me even though I’m Not perfect, makes me love you more then ever. Love you always.
I know that you are in a better place, but why did you have to leave me so soon? I really wish you could help me through it all. It maybe selfish but I miss you.
Every time you hold my hand. I find another reason to fall in love with you..Love you always. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Romantic Valentines Day Love Quotes for Him
Your a PLAYER but I’m NOT your GAME!!..Wish you better luck on Valentine’s Day.
My greatest fear in life is that one day we will pass each other on some street like two strangers. Wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.
The smile on your face lets me know that u need me there’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me the touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever i fall.
I have gained what she has lost. I love him deeply when she could not. I have mended the heart she has broken and now he is a better man. Happily ever after! Happy Valentine’s Day.
When I was single I was selling my heart. When u came and stole it I let u keep it because I knew you were the right one to have it. You are my world. I love you.Happy Birthday‼‼
I hate that I can’t stay mad at you, and that I love you too much to care that I was mad at you for even a second…
You don’t know who you truly are until you find the other half of your heart and put them together. Unconditional love makes your eyes open to a whole new you.
The more time we spend together the more I see how much we are alike. Which in its self is amazing! You are my stomach ache from never ending laughter!
If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say ‘i love you.’! i love you baby forever and always.
Yes, it you who made a difference in my life. Love you today and always. Happy Valentine’s Day.
One day Love met Friendship… Love asked: “Why does one need friendship if love exists?” Friendship replied: “To put smiles on faces where you leave tears.” Wish you love and luck.
Love me and I will move mountains to make you happy. Hurt me, and I’ll drop those mountains on your head. Have a great Valentine’s Day.
The nights I don’t dream about you, are the nights I stay up thinking of you…
While your smile lifts my heart, your hugs cure my soul… and knowing your mine..well that’s a whole other story. That’s our love story. Wish you a great Valentine’s Day.
I have no regrets for what I have done in the past. I’m scared of the things I’m about to do, but I know I won’t regret them.
I am forever grateful for the happiness and joy you have brought into my life.
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes and see and feel the way i do about you!
How come we want what we can’t have, yet the ones that have it don’t appreciate what they’ve got..? Happy Valentine’s Day.
When we hug it feels like the world has stopped for those few seconds.
I want you to be that guy that when I come running with tears rolling down my cheeks you look me in the eyes and say, yes I Love You the most.
You have my heart and my trust your in my head, in my dreams, i love you so much its unbelievable. You are mine and will always remain mine.
I can go through all the hardships to spend few moments with you, my love.
To my wonderful husband, I give and promise YOU, ALL of MY LOVE, for ALL of MY LIFE!!! You are my fairy tale come true. I love you VERY MUCH!!!
I do not think much, I do not think often but when I think, I think of you.
I think about you all the time, it’s like smoking, it’s addicting. I love you.
“I’m a little weird, life’s a little weird and when we find someone who’s weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up in mutual weirdness and call it love” Love you always.
We are just crazy little girls….falling in love with stupid little boys. Love you honey.
To love without condition, to talk without intention, listen without judging, to give without reason and to care without expectation. – art of true relationship
Maybe then you would understand all the reasons why I LOVE YOU!
The day I saw you, the world stood still, baby I love you and always will, although I smile and seem carefree, no-one could love you more than me. Wish you a great Valentine’s Day.
You have to love yourself enough to not allow people to continue to hurt you. Only then will you truly understand how to love and how to be loved.
In this article, we have share love you quotes for him that will make him feel your love. we hope you have enjoyed our beautiful collection of valentines day love quotes for him. do check out our valentines day quotes section for more content on valentines day.