We have here is the most beautiful collection of Being in love quotes for lovers. Being in Love is a wonderful feeling for everyone. especially if you are starting the journey of being in love and loved with each other.
To love someone is madness… To be loved by someone is a gift… Loving someone who loves you is a duty… But being loved by someone whom you love is a beautiful life.- Unknown
It’s undeniable fact that love is always one of the most beautiful feeling ever for everyone. which turns the world upside down and we start to see the world in different angle. it’s the feeling that makes butterfly’s in our minds and turns every pain in life into the most happiest moment every.

When you are in love and want to let the world know that you are in love. we have here collected some of the most beautiful being in love quotes just for you. let the world know, you are part of somebody’s beautiful life and someone out there is thinking about you, care you so much and hold your arms when you really need them to be.
Without further due, lets jump into the most beautiful being in love quotes list. enjoy your time and share with the world..
Being In Love Quotes for Lovers
You made me feel beautiful when I thought I was nothing.
It’s nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when the are not around.
Forever is a long long time, but i wouldnt mind spending it by your side. tell me, everyday, i get to wake up to that smile. i wouldn’t min it at all.
It’s amazing how you can fall in love with a person you didnt even notice the first time you meet them.
The sweetest things you can do for a girl are the little things that let her know shes in your heart and on your mind.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. they must be felt with the heart.
If I had a flower for every time you made me smile and laugh i’d have a garden to walk in forever.
You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
Forever is a long time. but i wouldt mind spending it by your side.
One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.
Being in Love quotes for her and him
You come to love not by finding the perfect person. but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
When I tell you I love you. i dont say it out of habit. i say it to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.
I have a heart and that is true, but now it has gone from me to you, so care for it just like i do, because i have no heart and you have two.
Anyone can make you happy by doing something special. But only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.
Somewhere in her smile she knows, that i don’t need no other lover. something in her style that shows me. i dont want to leave her now, you know i believe and how.
Without you, I’m nothing with you, im something. together we’re everything.
If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see ourself through my eyes, only then woul you realize how special you are to me.
I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you are yet to be.
If you live to be 100, i hope i live to be 100 minus 1 day, so i never have to live without you.
We hope you have got the most beautiful Being in Love quotes from the list. if you love them, you can also check out the below posts for more romantic love quotes for you and your loved once.
100+ Truly Romantic Love Quotes for Him and Her
100+ Heart Touching Love Quotes for Him