Sweet things to say to a girl is the most romantic collection of cutest and sweetest things you should say to your girlfriend. we know that when you are in love, its more important to be with your loved one and caring her like a queen.
It’s also a good way of showing your love and feelings for her with some beautiful romantic messages for her. that’s where our sweet things to say to girl comes in handy for you.

we have here collected some of the best sweet love words for you to just to talk to her about how shes valuable for you and how much you need her in your life. which will ulitmiately bring you two into more deeper relationship and change your life completely.
so with out further due, lets jump into the sweet things to say to your girlfriend? Here are 100 Sweet Things to Say to a Girl.
Sweet Things to Say To A Girl
I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.
You make me feel weak in the knees when I touch you.
I can’t believe that someone as amazing as you could ever be with me.
I wish I could be with you forever, but that still wouldn’t be enough time to love you.
You make my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile.
You make me believe in soul mates.
You look so beautiful and angelic, I feel like I’d dirty you just by touching you.
I could hold you forever.
You’ve made my dreams come true.
I can’t imagine my life without you in it.
You make me want to be a better man just so I can be more worthy of your love.
You give meaning to my life.
I never knew what I did good to deserve you.
Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
I get lost in ecstasy when you make love to me.
I get butterflies in my stomach when you run your hands against my face.
You are my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, you’re the love of my life, you’re my one and only, you’re my everything.
You could have any guy in the world, and yet you chose me.
Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them.
I love you so much I can’t explain it even if I tried.
Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me.
I cannot stop thinking about you.
You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.
I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you.
No, you’re not fat. You’re perfect and just the way I like it.
You make me feel so lucky when I’m around you.
Do you even realize how much I love you?
How do you look so beautiful all the time?
I haven’t met a person who’s as nice and caring as you.
Really Sweet Things to Say to a Girl
I love the way you feel in my arms when I hug you goodbye.
I want to kiss every inch of you.
I love you so much I could worship you.
I love the way your hair feels as I run my fingers through them.
It hurts me more to see you sad.
Just hearing your voice in the morning makes my day.
I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.
I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past.
You make me feel like an excited child at a theme park when I’m with you.
Sweetest things you talk to your girl

I tell you I love you so much because you never know, a day might come and one of us would end up in the hospital, and I want the last feeling you feel is of me loving you.
I wish life had a pause button. I would pause every moment we spend together.
I would rather be in hell with you than in heaven without you.
I will love you until death, and then some.
God must have been showing off when he created you.
You deserve the world, but since I cannot give that to you, I will give you the next best thing, which is my world.
I long for you just as much as a drowning man longs for air. It would kill me to have you just a little.
I will love you F.O.R.E.V.E but no R because it would be the end of forever.
You are all I have ever wanted in a Girlfriend.
I went to the hospital and got an x-ray, do you know what they found? You in my heart. The doctor said my heart will always be fine with you in it.
Last night I sent an angel to look over you as you slept. The angel returned to me and when I asked why? The angel said that angels do not watch over angels.
I brought you this flower so that it would see what true beauty is.
You have just made me realize that the Beatles had it all wrong. Love is not all we need, it is the only thing there is.
Baby you are a thief because you stole my heart.

Babe, you are my dream girl, and like my parents always say, never give up on your dreams.
Every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again.
Are you a dictionary? Because you add meaning to my life.
I put a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you.
Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.
If love were a cup of coffee, our love would be a mocha latte – sweet, hot and filled with pep.
If I were to die today, I would be happy because I got to spend time with you.
I could hold you forever.
I can conquer the world with a single hand so long as you are holding the other.
Last night I was looking at the stars and matched each star with a reason why I love you. It was going great until I run out of stars.
Did it hurt when God removed your wings and sent you to earth?
Really Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

I did not now that angels were allowed to walk on earth.
Do not eat that cupcake. You are already sweet enough.
You must be an expert thief because you stole my heart without even realizing it.
I want us to commit the perfect crime: I steal your heart like you have stolen mine.
Someone call the cops! Because it must be illegal for one girl to look that good.

You make my life worth fighting for.
Did you take lucky charms for breakfast because your look is just magically delicious!
To you, I am probably just one person but to me, you are the world.
I have tried, but it is now official that I cannot stop thinking about you.
Eagerly waiting for you. Come back soon.
I am thinking of you and the only thing I want to tell you is that I love you.
When I close my eyes, I see nothing. That is my life without you.
You must be tired because you have been running through my mind all day long.
My knees are killing me because I fall for you every day.
Your parents must be bakers because you sure are a cutie pie.
There must be a rainbow somewhere here because I seem to have found the treasure.
My love for you is endless.
You are the only reason why I smile even on the dullest of days.
You remind me of a magnet-always attracting m your way.
Is there something wrong with my eyes? Because I am looking at an angel.
If I could take the alphabet and re-arrange it, U and I would be together.
Can I borrow your cell phone? Because I want to call my mum and tell her than I am dating the girl of my dreams.
There is something in your eye. Never mind, it is just a sparkle.
I do not know what I would do if I ever lost you.
Cute Romantic Things To Say to Your Girlfriend
I can’t imagine my life without you in it.
You make me feel so happy when I’m with you, my jaws hurt.
If I could I would hold you in my arms for all eternity so that I never have to sleep alone
You look so cute when you laugh.
I am going to request the all powers in the language world to have the letter x removed as I never want to be your ex
You make my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile.
If there were something such as an academy award for being the cutest couple, then I am sure we would get it
I dreamt of you last night.
Nobody has seen the stars close up but even I could I would not want to… why should I, when I have you?
You are such a good dancer.
I feel so happy just spending time with you.
If loving somebody too much is a crime then I am guilty and wish to be sentenced to a lifetime of you
You brighten up my day every time I see you.
For you my love, I would give up anything but my life as that would mean you would have to cry
You make me believe in soul mates.
I never feel the need to watch the sun rise as seeing you smile feels more beautiful and brighter than any sunrise
I wish we could travel back in time, then I would rewind the magical moment that we met for the first time again and again.
If they could bottle the essence of you, then girls around the world would simply spritz some of that essence to get a bit of cuteness that is you.
I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you.
You are cute as a rabbit, as chirpy as a lovebird, as cuddly as a kitten, as pretty as a peacock and simply so wonderful.
You give meaning to my life.
I am going to learn as many languages as possible so that I can say “I love you “ in all of them
All my life I felt as though I was preparing for something, when I met you I knew what it was all about
If somebody asked me to describe perfect happiness then I would have to say every minute I spend with you!
You’re my best friend.
I wish you I could simply shrink you to pocket size so that you could always be with me
How do you look so beautiful all the time?
Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.
You must find it difficult to be around metals; you are so magnetic I am always drawn to you
You understand me so well, it’s like you can read my mind.
I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.
People are always telling me that I am lucky to have you and I always sit there like an idiot with a smug grin and nod agreement

If I had known that being with you would be so much fun, we would have started dating when I was ten
You’re the reason my life feels so perfect.
I would have gifted you a cute puppy, but I did not as I would be jealous of the puppy for being with you
You always know how to surprise me.
Now that I have met you I wish we could become immortal so that we can be together for all eternity
You make me feel so lucky when I am around you.
When I look at you I know how birds feel as they soar in the sky; you make me feel high
So have you enjoyed reading our Sweet things to say to a girl messages and quotes. let us know in our comments and tell us your favorite ones.
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