Funny marriage sayings from movies is the beautiful collection of favorite marriage quotes and sayings. enjoy reading through our marriage quotes and have a great time.
We all know that marriage is the divine bond between two people, destined to be together in their journey of life. but to make that moment a little more fun and make everyone feel related and laugh, share our funny marriage sayings that are collected from some of the most beautiful movies.

Funny Marriage Sayings from Movies
We both said, ‘I do!’ and we haven’t agreed on a single thing since. – So I Married an Axe Murderer
A man doesn’t know what happiness is until he’s married. By then it’s too late. – The Joker is Wild
Marriage is the Jack Kevorkian of romance. – The Story of Us
A wedding is like a funeral, but with musicians. – Mobsters
Marriages don’t work when one partner is happy and the other is miserable. Marriage is about both people being equally miserable. – Forget Paris
If you are ever with a girl that is too good for you – marry her. – Valentine’s Day
Marriage is like a tense, unfunny, version of Everybody Loves Raymond , only it doesn’t last twenty-two minutes. It last forever. – Knocked Up
Did you know that the institution of marriage was created when the average person lived to the age of 30? – The Last Kiss
We were perfectly happy until we decided to live happily ever after. – Sex and the City
I’d do anything to save my marriage but I just haven’t got the time. – Sex and the Single Girl
Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage. – Clue
Husbands are like wine, they take a long time to mature. – Letters to Juliet

Hilarious marriage sayings
I would love to fall in love and get married and have beautiful children. I mean that’s one of the goals in life, I think, to have, and it’s a beautiful thing. My sister has kids and all my friends have kids. They show me their, you know their report cards. And I can show them my sports car.
We hope you have enjoyed our Funny marriage sayings and quotes. do let us know if we have missed any beautiful marriage sayings above and if you wish to have more, read our 60 Funny Engagement and Marriage Quotes.